Mapping 4-H with All Things Missouri
Making an impact on your community often starts by taking inventory of your resources. See an example of how 4-H used All Things Missouri to explore assets, demographics and more.
Making an impact on your community often starts by taking inventory of your resources. See an example of how 4-H used All Things Missouri to explore assets, demographics and more.
Choose this report to view data and indicators containing information by population race and Hispanic ethnicity. Use these data to identify gaps and opportunities in your community.
View childcare costs and locations of childcare centers across Missouri.
Discover and access thousands of mappable data layers. Create maps of your community and easily share them with others.
View broadband access and farms using precision agriculture techniques by county.
A lack of stable housing increases the risk of poor health outcomes and other hardships. This map shows layers related to cost-burdened households, available public housing, and the amount of income required to secure basic housing.
This report provides a selected set of indicators related to youth and family. Data and visualizations are available for individual counties and groups of counties.
This report provides a selected set of indicators related to agriculture and the environment. Maps and data are available for individual counties and groups of counties.
This report provides a selected set of indicators related to business and communities. Data and visualizations are available for individual counties and groups of counties.
This report provides a selected set of indicators related to health and safety. Maps and data are available for individual counties and groups of counties.
Feedstuff Finder enables feedstuff buyers and sellers to connect. Sellers of co-products and forages can share prices, products, information, and locations. Buyers can identify feedstuff sources by location, product type, or price and see their locations on a map.
The Grazing Wedge tool is designed to provide farmers with best practices for forage management, including strategies for forage optimization by measureing forage growth and rotation. The Grazing Wedge tool allows users to draw farm and paddock layouts, enter data, and visualize forage status. This is a collaborative project between CARES and Extension Technology & Computer Services (ETCS).
CARES has partnered with several Missouri County Health Departments to create communicable disease dashboards showing up-to-date information on the number of cases for various diseases documented in their service areas. Diseases tracked range from animal bites to STDs. See the number of cases over time, plus data broken out by age and sex, when available. These dashboards are also available in Spanish!