
Housing Insecurity  

A lack of stable housing increases the risk of poor health outcomes and other hardships. This map shows layers related to cost-burdened households, available public housing, and the amount of income required to secure basic housing.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

New Missouri Map Room

You’re invited to explore the Beta Version of our New Missouri Map Room and provide feedback. Find the same data you love, in a new user-focused format.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Nonprofits, Social Determinants, and Health  

View locations of nonprofit organizations in your community. Toggle map layers to view neighborhood level data on social determinants (area deprivation index) and health outcomes (life expectancy) Use the “query” tool to search by nonprofit organization name or category.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety

Public Safety Starter Map  

Get started with layers about public safety, including motor vehicle crash fatalities, drug arrests, violent crime, and domestic violence.

in: Health & Safety

Mental Health Starter Map  

Get started with layers including Mental Health Treatment Facilities, Mental Health Providers, Poor Mental health days, Mental Health Hospitalizations, and Beneficiaries with Depression.

in: Health & Safety

Substance Abuse Starter Map  

Get started map layers showing mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities, drug overdose mortality rates, and total number of prescription opioid drug claims by ZIP Code.

in: Health & Safety

Food Access Starter Map  

Get started with layers related to food access including food deserts, population with limited food access, locations of major supermarkets and food pantries, and the Modified Retail Food Environmental Index Score from the CDC.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Youth Mental Health Starter Map  

Get started with layers related to youth mental health, including homeless youth, youth mental health centers, and adverse childhood experience (ACES) scores.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Missouri Map Room

Discover and access thousands of mappable data layers. Create maps of your community and easily share them with others.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family


County Health Rankings Info Card

County Health Rankings Report

The County Health Rankings report displays z-scores and underlying data indicators using the University of Wisconsin’s County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Framework.

in: Health & Safety
Impact Report 2

Combined Impact Area Report

Create a report with over 200 data indicators from across all of the four impact areas.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Migration and Vulnerable Populations  

This map shows layers related to migration and communities which exhibit characteristics that increase social vulnerability.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Vulnerable Senior Populations Map  

This map includes layers showing households with seniors living alone, seniors receiving SNAP benefits, and other indicators of social and health vulnerability.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Air Quality Starter Map  

Get started with layers about air toxins, ozone, and respiratory hazards.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Health & Safety

Heat Risk and Vulnerable Populations Map  

This map shows areas that are more vulnerable to heat risks. It includes layers for urban clusters, counties with high percentages of seniors, and counties with higher levels of poverty.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety

Heat Risk Starter Map  

Get started with map layers related to heat wave risk, heat index by county data, and locations with unusually hot days.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Health & Safety

Flood Risk and Vulnerable Populations Map  

This map shows flood hazard zones, developed areas, and socially vulnerable populations. Socially vulnerable populations are disproportionately impacted by flood events.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety

Flood Risk Starter Map  

Get started with layers about flood hazard zones, levee protected areas, and susceptible counties.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Health & Safety

Missouri Local Health Department Communicable Disease Dashboards

We have partnered with several health departments to create these communicable disease dashboards that show up-to-date information about the number of cases for various diseases that have been documented in their service areas. The cases being tracked range from animal bites to STDs, flu, and more! See the number of cases over time, and when data is available, broken out by age and sex. Dashboards are also available in Spanish!

in: Health & Safety

Recovery Friendly Workplace  

The Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative empowers workplaces in Missouri to support people affected by substance use disorders and those in recovery. Visit the hub to learn more about the impact of substance use disorders and how to become a designated Recovery Friendly Workplace.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety, Workforce Development

Social Determinants of Health Story Map  

Use this storymap to explore data layers related to social determinants of health (SDOH). Data layers included are related to the various SDOH domains, SDOH and health outcomes, health disparities, and non-profits and community well-being.

in: Health & Safety

Hospital Bed Usage by COVID-19 Patients  

This dashboard shows how many hospital beds are in use by COVID-19 patients as a percentage of overall usage and see the overall facility capacity. Larger points represent higher overall bed capacity while a darker color represents a higher percentage of beds being used by COVID-19 patients. Data Source: Department of Health and Human Services.

in: Health & Safety
Health Assets

UM System Health Care Finder  

The easy-to-use tool has mapped 205 UM System health care resources across the state — from a pediatric endocrinology clinic in Kirksville to Tele-Behavioral Health Services in Marble Hill. Using key words, zip codes and geographic areas, Missourians can locate these UM System health care assets and services near them.

in: Health & Safety
Grand Challenges

Grand Challenges Report

The MU Extension Grand Challenges Report is designed to support annual summaries, community assessment, and strategic alignment across MU Extension.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

City and County COVID-19 Dashboards

CARES has developed these dashboards in conjunction with local health departments, to facilitate the display of COVID-19 related information for their communities.

in: Health & Safety
MHA Weekly Dashboard

External: Missouri Hospital Association COVID-19 Dashboard  

Weekly dashboards help government leaders, local public health officials, health care organizations, and businesses understand the influence of COVID-19 on their communities, and make informed decisions when protecting citizens, customers, employees and patients.

in: Health & Safety

COVID-19 Vulnerability Footprint

The COVID-19 Vulnerability Footprint identifies vulnerable communities across the nation, defined as having high concentrations of older populations, the uninsured, and high population density. Thresholds for target area identification are adjustable, allowing the tool to be utilized in all geographic areas where regional rates may be higher or lower than the national average.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family
Community Wellbeing Report

Community Wellbeing Report

The Community Wellbeing Report provides a foundational set of indicators to begin addressing social determinants of health in local communities.

in: Health & Safety
Missouri EATS

Missouri EATS Food Assessment Tool

The Missouri EATS Food Assessment is designed to help communities start the conversation about building a stronger community food environment. Missouri EATS is a community development process designed to identify local assets and needs, develop a plan to act on top priorities, and make sustainable changes to enhance local food systems.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family
Rural Opioid Response Hub

Rural Opioid Response Hub  

The Rural Opioid Response Hub provides access to a collection of opioid-related data, resources, and tools. It is an online platform for communities across Missouri working to increase substance abuse prevention efforts and address social issues that contribute to the accessibility and abuse of opiates.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family
What's New

What’s New in Maps?

Our team is updating data on an ongoing basis – check here for the latest!

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family

Missouri Immunization Report

This report provides access to state’s only source for public, accessible state and local data about immunizations and exemptions for vaccine-preventable diseases in Missouri.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family
BRR Featured Image

Building Regional Resilience  

Using a research-based index system, the Building Regional Resilience Hub helps communities easily identify and compare counties based on their relative resiliency and vulnerability to the country as a whole. The indexes rank all counties into four quadrants based on their relative resilience and vulnerability to the national median in four main categories: social, economic, infrastructure, and environmental.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety
VPF Sample

Vulnerable Populations Footprint Tool  

The vulnerable populations footprint tool is a compact mapping and reporting platform that identifies geographic areas with high rates of poverty and low educational attainment – the two indicators demonstrated to be the primary social determinants of population health. Thresholds for target area identification are adjustable, allowing the tool to be utilized in all geographic areas where regional rates may be higher or lower than the national average.

in: Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family
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SNAP-Ed Tool  

This is a dynamic, public portal that analyzes over 30 of the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework indicators. These data can be assessed at a local, county, state, or multi-state level.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Youth & Family


Visit exploreMOhealth to review data on chronic conditions, create a needs assessment, or examine targeted health data specific to a particular county or ZIP Code in Missouri.

in: Health & Safety, Youth & Family

University of Missouri System Community Connect  

The University of Missouri System Community Connect website provides a space to showcase engagements between the Universities and their communities.

in: Agriculture & Environment, Business & Community, Health & Safety, Workforce Development, Youth & Family



Health & Safety Report

This report provides a selected set of indicators related to health and safety. Maps and data are available for individual counties and groups of counties.

in: Health & Safety